Posted on 4/29/2023

Have you ever noticed the numbers on the fuel pumps - for example, 87 or 91? Well, if so, you probably don't know what it means, just like a lot of other people. Below, you will find what they exactly mean, what is important, and how to find the right one for your vehicle, so if this has piqued your interest, continue reading. Octane Ratings Explained Let's start with the numbers, which normally start at 87 and go up to 94 - keep that in mind. Simply put, the higher the number, the less chance it has to ignite due to compression. Higher ratings are for engines that need a lot of compression to ignite the fuel, and lower ones are for engines that can't produce that much compression. This means that higher-octane-rated fuel is meant for more advanced and powerful vehicles because of the high compression demands their engines have. Is It Important? The short answer is yes because the engines are designed to work with a specific fuel. There ... read more