Many adults in the United States can still operate a car beyond their retirement age. On the other hand, some elders are associated with various physical illnesses related to aging that can interfere with driving. Either way, it is critical for older drivers - and their friends and families - to be more aware and spread these helpful tips to keep them more protected on the road. Here are some general safety driving tips that are sure to help your seniors:
1. Mute your cell phone. Whether you are a baby boomer, Gen X, Gen Y, or Gen Z, most of us have cell phones in 2021. However, that means texting and calling while driving poses a more significant threat. Phones are the number one distraction attributed to vehicle accidents. To be more cautious, we suggest that you leave your cell phone on silent and away from your surroundings until you reach your destination.
2. Always buckle up. The majority of the states in the United States enforce seat belts as a requirement, so you also need to do this to avoid a ticket. If it is physically rough on you, adjust the shoulder mount or purchase extra padding that slips over the belt.
3. Avoid driving at night. As we age, our eyes become more sensitive, and our vision is bound to get worse. No matter what age, driving at night puts a heavier strain on your eyes. The glare from other vehicle's headlights can also make it much more challenging for elders to see.
4. Avoid narrow roads and busy highways. Try to find alternative routes you can take instead. Sometimes it's better to drive a longer distance to avoid the difficulty of traveling on complex or confusing paths.
5. Understand your medications. Certain medications can make you tired and can affect your reaction time. Some prescription pills may also place information on their labels to avoid driving after taking the medicine.
Our last tip can benefit both the young and the old, but you should get regular maintenance for your vehicle. Getting this service will ensure your personal safety and help you get around more efficiently. Come by Asian Imports to get your car serviced today!