Posted on 12/18/2019

Remember when you were a teenager and learning how to drive? Do you remember receiving your driver’s license from the local Department of Motor Vehicles? How about that first drive with nobody else in the vehicle? Sure, it was probably a long time ago, but for most of us it was a major milestone in our lives. For me there was a tremendous feeling of excitement and freedom that came with being able to drive on my own. The responsibility that came with driving really didn’t surface until much later. Now as a parent with teenage drivers, my attention had been focused on the responsibilities of my children, and as a parent to keep them and everyone around them out of danger. The first step was to get them the proper training for on and off the road. This begins with a study of the new driver handbook and an approved driver education course where they learn the rules of the road, road signs and traffic laws. Next, they can learn how to opera ... read more
Posted on 8/9/2019

As we approach the tail end of Summer 2019 in Las Vegas and surrounding communities, it is a time to reflect on what was hopefully a great off season with wonderful memories of vacations, food, friends and family. It is also the time where the kids are going back to school and families are preparing to commute more with the added scholastic activities. Asian Imports Auto is here to help you navigate safely with a few safety tips. Be sure to check the tire pressures for proper inflation, especially as temperatures start to change. Make sure the tire tread depth is at a safe level. The end of Summer also marks the beginning of monsoon season in the Southwest United States and it’s a good time to replace those dried out, scratchy wiper blades so you will be able to see when the heavy rains come. Make sure all your exterior lights are functioning as there may be cloudy dark periods during your daytime commute. Returning to school may m ... read more