Posted on 10/30/2019

We have all experienced that feeling of cruising down the road, sun shining, wind blowing, listening to your favorite music and out of nowhere…that ugly red or yellow warning indicator pops up on your dashboard. You’ve got a problem! What do you do next? That all depends on what you see. The first thing you should do is identify the color and type of malfunction indicator or MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light). There are multiple MIL’s and these lights come on for various reasons and are specific to a system of the car. Take note if you hear, see, smell or feel anything abnormal about your vehicle’s operation. Warning lights will usually fit into one of two categories. If the light is RED, this is serious. You should immediately look for a safe place to pull the car over and turn the vehicle off as to avoid any further damage to the vehicle or to avoid any potentially unsafe conditions. Generally, a red ... read more
Posted on 9/25/2015
In our last blog we began to cover a few ways in which you can get your vehicle prepared for colder, winter months. As a trusted Asian auto repair business in Las Vegas, we know exactly what you need to do to make sure your vehicle is in good working order for winter and we can help you make sure you’re ready to go! Today we’re going to go over a few more ways in which you can make sure your vehicle is prepared for winter. Examine your belts and hoses before the temperatures start to drop! When you come to us to have a full service done on your vehicle, we’ll make sure to check your belts and hoses for wear and tear. Don’t forget to check your tire pressure, too! It’s important that your tires are properly inflated to ensure that you’ll have the best possible traction as you drive. The air pressure in your tires has likely dropped as the weather has gotten colder, so it’s important to see where things stand now. Consider switching to snow tires if your climate ca ... read more
Posted on 9/15/2015
Asian Imports is a family owned and operated business located in the heart of Summerlin. We specialize in Asian auto repair right here in Las Vegas! Whether you have a Honda, Subaru, Nissan, or Toyota – we’re here to help! While the winter doesn’t get too harsh here in Las Vegas, our temperatures do drop a bit. Today we’re going to give you a few tips on how to keep your vehicle in good working order this winter. Make sure you’re getting the right type of oil change! Are you approaching the 30,000-mile full-service time for your vehicle? If you are, now is the perfect time to stop putting that off.Among other things, the service should include an oil changeand the oil used should have the right viscosity, or thickness, for your vehicle at this time of year. Can you see? When was the last time you replaced your wiper blades? Wiper blades only last for about a year and you should really be switching out your blades twice a year (once in spring and once in fall). Also, do ... read more
Posted on 4/27/2015
So you need a Asian import mechanic for your Honda, Subaru or Toyota! maybe you are new to town, or maybe you feel like your old mechanic ripped you off and you need to switch. We’ve put together some tips on how to find a mechanic that will repair your car or truck right the first time and without overcharging you. Experience with your car in particular. Not all mechanics handle foreign and domestic vehicle alike. Further, not all mechanics repair hybrids so if you have a hybrid make sure your mechanic is learning on your car! Trustworthy. Ask around! Do your friends, coworkers or neighbors have a mechanic they’ve been dealing with and trust? Word of mouth is a powerful thing for mechanics and so you should take advantage of any networks you are part of and get recommendations. Do they guarantee their work? A good mechanic will guarantee their work for 12 months. Are they willing to give you an estimate upfront? If not, move on. Look online. Nowaday ... read more
Posted on 4/9/2015
As your source for Subaru repair in Las Vegas we’d like to talk about safety for young drivers. Nevada has some relatively stringent rules about young people getting their license and even if they fulfill all their classroom requirements and have 50 hours of behind the wheel experience, it is still up to you the parent to decide if your child is ready for the responsibility of driving a car. What are some things to look for to decide if your young driver is ready to be set loose. 1.Your child is takes their responsibilities seriously. Does he or she do their homework and their chores at home without having to be reminded? 2. When practice driving has she avoided an accident? Successfully avoiding an impact makes a big impression on a teen and while you shouldn’t take you child in search of a near miss, if you’ve seen them in action, you can rest easier knowing they’ve got the reflexes to handle fast moving situations. 3. Does he focus on driving when he’s driving ... read more
Posted on 1/29/2015
In our last blog, we talked about the importance of regular oil changes. We talked about how getting your car’s oil changed on time can improve engine performance and gas mileage, but these aren’t the only benefits of regular oil changes! The following is a list from our Subaru repair shop in Las Vegas of the last few benefits of getting your car’s oil changed regularly: Vehicle emissions- Did you know that regular oil changes could actually help your vehicle to pass an emissions test? In short, clean oil keeps your engine clean, and helps your vehicle to run cleaner, which translates into less exhaust emissions. In this way, changing your oil isn’t just great for your car and your pocket book, it also lowers your impact on the environment! Increased engine life- Did you know that friction and wear are two of the main causes for engine failure? The good news is that both of these issues can b ... read more
Posted on 8/22/2014
Are your kids getting ready to start school? If so, you have probably already bought them some new clothes, a backpack, folders and pens, but there is probably one big thing that you’ve been forgetting about, your car! All summer long your vehicle’s only job was to get you to work and back, but now it has to take your kids to school, soccer practice, piano lesson and more! Is your vehicle ready? The following is a list of tips from your Subaru repair pros in Las Vegas for getting your car ready for back to school: Get the routine maintenance done- If you have been putting off getting your oil changed or your tires rotated, don’t wait any longer! Between school, work and all of your kids’ activities, you probably won’t have a lot of time to get your vehicle taken care of. Make sure everything is in good condition- Check the battery, the fluid levels, the tires, the lights and the brakes. You want to make sure that your car will be reliable day after day ... read more
Posted on 7/23/2014
Summer is a difficult time for us all. The heat forces us to spend all of our time inside, in the safety of our air-conditioned homes or offices. Unfortunately the heat is not only difficult on our bodies, but it is also hard on our vehicles as well. Our Nissan repair experts in Las Vegas can help you to keep your car running strong all summer long with the following summer maintenance tips: Frequently check your tires- Did you know that the heat can actually change tire pressure? If your tire is under-inflated it could cause it to bulge outward, which can put excess pressure on the sidewalls of the tires. The surplus of pressure and heat can cause your tire to blow. That is why you should regularly check the pressure in your tires. Keep your battery clean- The chemical reaction in a battery can be sped up by the summer heat, which can cause your battery to become overly charged. This can seriously shorten the life of your battery. The fluid inside ... read more
Posted on 4/10/2014
For many of us driving is second nature and we barely even think about it anymore. The average American spends around 100 minutes of each day driving a car, so it is no wonder that we are so used to being behind a wheel. With all of that time spent getting comfortable in our automobiles it is easy to forget that we are riding around in a very heavy, dangerous piece of machinery. When your car is speeding along on the highway, your life depends on your brakes working. If you notice any squeaking or grinding of your brakes then you need to turn to Asian Imports Plus. We can provide you with reliable and affordable break inspection and Subaru repair in Las Vegas. Did you know that the average car in the United States weighs around 4,000 lbs? Imagine how much force it takes to stop a vehicle weighing 4,000 lbs and traveling at 70 mph. You need your brakes to work. One of the most common signs that your brakes need to be replaced is a squeaking or grinding sound. A ... read more
Posted on 10/30/2013
Give your Subaru repair in Las Vegas over to capable hands. Asian Imports Plus specializes in all Asian car makers, so you can rest easy. Call today to schedule you service